COVID-19 | Current operational plans for the Mountain Trike Company

As we currently find ourselves in unprecedented times, we at Mountain Trike are doing our utmost to keep business and life ‘on track’ during these times of isolation and social distancing.

Firstly, we hope that you are all staying safe and well during these very unusual and challenging times.  There will undoubtedly a mixture of emotions as we all makes plans to mitigate the impact of the coronavirus.

Following the latest Government advice, we at Mountain Trike have taken the decision to postpone all face to face demonstrations of our all terrain wheelchairs to customers here in the UK and this will undoubtably be the same for all of our distributors.

Video footage, customer feedback, user content and also our latest colour charts are all available on our web pages and we would be delighted to respond to any questions that you may have about our award winning range of wheelchairs. 

When normality resumes, we look forward to arranging and scheduling face to face demos once again. Our colleague, Lucy ( is collating a list of everyone who would like a home demo and also which of our products they would like to see.  We will also be rescheduling our MT demo days as another option to see and try our products. 

We have also taken the decision to put the hire scheme that we offer UK customers on hold. This is due to the current uncertainty around courier delivery and collection and of course to eradicate any possible transmission of the virus. We realise that this may be a disappointment for some but hopefully this service will be back up and running in the not so distant future.

For customers who have placed an order for our Mountain Trike products – be it direct with us, or through one of our distributors, we can confirm that for the time being production at our manufacturing unit is still continuing. 

Most of the the Mountain Trike team are working remotely from home but our lead Assembly Technician, Seb, is continuing to build trikes in isolation – well done Seb!

We currently have a good level of stock and parts and we are confident that all current Trike orders will be completed in the near term subject to external factors and in line with previous outlined time frames.

We are still accepting new orders – so if you have previously had a demo and have been considering placing an order, Lucy or Roger will be able to help you with this process.

Obviously, we are monitoring Government advice daily and should the situation changes and Seb is no longer able to work, or our suppliers need to change their operations we will let you know.

The team here at MT, are still working ‘virtually’, so if you have any queries or questions – even if it isn’t Mountain Trike related we are happy to talk and chat.

Hopefully, we can ride this wave and things will look brighter as we head into Summer. 

Please continue to check in with us, as we may have to further adapt the way we work as the world shifts slightly.

If you aren’t yet following us through our various social media channels then do join us and this lovely community, as we try to stay focused and positive – sharing our previous outdoor journey’s and hoping it won’t be long before we are all back our there enjoying the great outdoors. Here are our most used networks:  Facebook, Instagram, Twitter

Stay safe and well!

The Mountain Trike Team

01270 842616

Mountain Trike all terrain wheelchair product range