Mountain Trike wheelchair rider hints and tips

It is unlikely that you will have experienced a wheelchair ride like the Mountain Trike before and it can take some time getting used to it – whether you are hiring a Trike or you have just received your own Trike you will need a bit of practice. Follow our hints and tips to get the best out of your Trike – how to drive and reverse and how to use your parking brake, there is also detail on general riding.  Once you’ve mastered it you can focus on building your confidence and be able to head out further a field. Even if you are an experienced Triker these tips about riding and braking might come in handy. Riding hints & tips

How to: Tighten the rear fork on the Mountain Trike wheelchair

From time to time you may need to tighten up your rear fork on your Mountain Trike wheelchair – Click the link below for a downloadable instruction sheet on what you need to do.  If you don’t feel confident to do this please do get in touch with us directly or pop to your local bike shop and they’ll be able to help you. Rear Fork tightening (1)