Specialist seating and adaptations for Mountain Trike all terrain wheelchair

 The Mountain Trike MT Push and ePush models are generally models that are very popular with families. This is mainly due to the fact that the wheelchair is controlled by the ‘pusher’ through the push handle where the steering and braking is located. These models enable families to truly explore off-road and outdoor places together, with air suspension and hydraulic brakes it offers comfort and safety and the Mountain Trike has unprecedented off-road performance.The Mountain Trike company offer lots of adaptations and accessories, however for more specific requirements it is possible to work with a specialist.This was the case for Nicola who needed certain adaptations for her daughter, Claire. Nicola purchased their MT Push through their local distributor, LC Seating who are based in Southern Ireland but Claire has lots of seating requirements so Claire approached SeatTech Enable in Ireland who were able to supply custom made adaptive seating for…

Paralympics in Paris

We’re a camper van family. We love camping and the kids are pretty great at long road trips. So once the summer holidays are here, we can generally be found packing up the van and heading off for an adventure. This year we had planned to go to France. With the Paralympics starting just before […]

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UK wheelchair manufacturer celebrates opening of new larger premises

 Wednesday 4th September saw the grand opening of innovative wheelchair manufacturer newly expanded manufacturing production facilities. The Mountain Trike company welcomed guests to help celebrate the opening of their newly expanded premises, which included customers, distributors, local councillors and people who have supported the company over the years.Since 2011 in a small village on the outskirts of Nantwich in Cheshire the Mountain Trike Company have been manufacturing wheelchairs that help change the lives of wheelchair users. Surrounded by countryside and an entrance hidden by evergreens is GB Engineering and home to the Mountain Trike Company. The location couldn’t be more appropriate for a company who make wheelchairs designed to help access the great outdoors. Founder and Managing Director, Tim Morgan has been on quite a journey since the initial Mountain Trike prototype which started life as part of his final year project at the University of Bath where he gained a 1st class…

Does Paralympic sport benefit the right athletes?  Part 2 of 2. 

For Part 1 of this article, please see here. A Shift in Athlete Recruitment Part 1 of this article mostly talked about classification within Para sport.  In part 2 I focus more on trends within the International Paralympic Committee (IPC) in relation to athlete and medal event selection.  I will be more critical of the […]

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Does Paralympic sport benefit the right athletes?  Part 1 of 2. 

Paralympic Sport Origins Paralympic sport has come a long way from its humble beginnings at the Stoke Mandeville spinal cord injury unit in England just after the Second World War.  This small sporting event, which at the time used competition between those with similar injuries to assist the rehabilitation of wheelchair users, is now a […]

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Communication aid using facil movements

The wonders of technology and accessibility

Communication aid using facil movementsUpdate: September 2024 We are preserving the original article below as part of our archive, but since its publication in 2013, significant advancements have been made in technology and accessibility. Here are some key updates: Recent Advancements: The world of voice-controlled devices has seen remarkable evolution, with AI-powered assistants like Alexa and Google Assistant becoming …

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