What makes you independent?

What makes you independent?

What makes you independent? Doing something by yourself? Physically or verbally.

An essential part of being independent is taking care of your own needs, physical and mental. Because independent people try to ensure they get everything their bodies need. From eating and drinking to rest and spending time with fellow humans and possibly pets.

Independence defination and example

Independent definition is someone free from influence or control. Also keeping free from Autonomy – the Idiot Box.

An example of independence is someone who lives on their own and supports themself. In other words, a person who lives free from the influence, guidance, or control of another or others. At the same time manage a self-reliant life and make their own decisions but also instruct others to do their will, care and assist them.

Signs you are a strong independent person

  • Being able to prioritise.
  • You take pride in your work and living lifestyle.
  • Ability to enjoy the benefits of career success.
  • You use the time alone to think about life options and business plans (if your a business man).
  • Being aware when to and how to ask for help.
  • Having confidence you can share your life success with others.
  • You are the person to go to for advice and guidance.
  • Have good verbal communication and can instruct others.

What is independence

No matter an individual’s ability. Needing support due to different constraints, whether physical or mental. Therefore instructing someone to assist, with personal care, or asking for an item on a high shelf or picking something off the floor results in independence. By doing tasks yourself or asking verbally for assistance, both have the same outcome – being independent.

Embarrassing moments

Assistance with personal care can be embarrassing or awkward. Having to repeat the care can take the edge of the situation. Consequently having a good relationship and connection with the person assisting will help.

Being ejected from a mobility aid, or chariot, possibly a wheelchair, in public can be humiliating. Could be degrading for some. Especially in the rush hour, on the school run. Then having to ask for help, admitting it is needed, is a sign of strength. And also can help prevent further injury or complications. It is also evidence of independence.

Making independence

Doing something by yourself. Or similarly instructing someone to help you creates independence. Wheelchair training also helps develop individual independence. For instance, having the ability to propel to the shops on your own or ask assistance to negotiate a kerb brings freedom and liberty – free within society from oppressive restrictions.

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